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Research highlights see: BNMRZ Press Releases

* 6th April 2023: Nobel prize laureate Ada Yonath visited the TUM Chemistry department


* BNMRZ is featured in TUM Image brochure, "The Power of Molecules", p. 50/51 (en | de)

* Welt Chagas Tag: Fortschritte bei einer vergessenen Krankheit: Deutschlandfunk: Web - MP3

* TUM "Faszination Forschung" featuring research at BNMRZ: How proteins work - (PDF download: DE EN)

* A virtual tour through the BNMRZ (video)

* Research at BNMRZ

Developing new therapies to fight parasite diseases (Sleeping Sickness; Chagas)


* Forschung am BNMRZ:

Entwicklung neuer Medikamente gegen Parasitenerkrankungen
(Schlafkrankheit; Chagas)


Research at BNMRZ focuses on the development and application of advanced NMR methods for studying the structure, dynamics and molecular interactions of biological macromolecules, computational approaches for integrative structural biology, structured-based drug discovery, pulse sequence and methods development for solution and solid-state NMR spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging.

[Disclaimer: material deposited here is available without warranty, pulse sequence implementation may need to be adapted depending on your spectrometer]

A more complete list of solution state experiments can be found on the BNMRZ Wiki (internal use only)


Pulse program / dataset



BUSS decoupling

Download BUSS decoupling shape

Decoupling shape for Bruker spectrometers, see supplement of Angew Chem paper for details

Schilling F, Warner LR, Gershenzon NI, Skinner TE, Sattler M, Glaser SJ.
Next-Generation Heteronuclear Decoupling for High-Field Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy.
(2014) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 53, 4475–4479.
doi: 10.1002/anie.201400178 [Pubmed].



J(N-N) correlation in isotope-labeled RNA

pulse program and Bruker AvanceIII dataset

(1) Dallmann, A.; Sattler, M. Detection of Hydrogen Bonds in Dynamic Regions of RNA by NMR Spectroscopy. Curr. Protoc. Nucleic Acid Chem. 2014, 2014, 7.22.1-7.22.19.

(2) Dallmann, A.; Simon, B.; Duszczyk, M. M.; Kooshapur, H.; Pardi, A.; Bermel, W.; Sattler, M. Efficient Detection of Hydrogen Bonds in Dynamic Regions of RNA by Sensitivity-Optimized NMR Pulse Sequences. Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 2013, 52 (40), 10487–10490.



J(N-N) correlation in isotope-labeled RNA

pulse program and Bruker AvanceIII dataset]

see references above


Download E/AE (t1 & t2) => 2x sensitivity enhanced

Sattler M, Schwendinger MG, Schleucher J, and Griesinger C
Novel strategies for sensitivity enhancement in heteronuclear multi-dimensional NMR experiments employing pulsed field gradients.
(1995) J Biomol NMR, 6:11-22 (1995)
[Pubmed] [Springer Link]

CDCA(NCO)CAHA Download E/AE, 2×13C CT periods with Ca/Cd and Ca selective pulses; for assignment of proline stretches
Bottomley MJ, Macias MJ, Liu Z, Sattler M.
A novel NMR experiment for the sequential assignment of proline residues and proline stretches in 13C/ 15N labeled proteins.
(1999) J. Biomol. NMR 13, 381-385.
Adenine HCCH-COSY Download Long-range HCCH correlation in adenine bases
Simon B, Zanier K, Sattler M
A TROSY relayed HCCH-COSY experiment for correlating adenine H2/H8 resonances in uniformly 13C-labeled RNA molecules

(2001) J Biomol NMR, 20:173-176
[Pubmed] [Springer Link]
2D w2-filtered NOESY noexfcng for D2O samples; double-filter for 13Cali, single filter for 15N and 13Carom
Sattler M., Schleucher J., and Griesinger C.
Heteronuclear multidimensional NMR experiments for the structure determination of proteins in solution employing pulsed field gradients.
(1999) Prog. NMR Spectrosc. 34, 93-158.


