BNMRZ Symposium on Future Perspectives of Biomolecular NMR
Thank you all for an exciting meeting!
Date | Friday, Oct 13, 2023 |
Location |
TUM Institute for Advanced Study and Bavarian NMR Center [directions] 85748 Garching, Germany |
In summer 2022 the 1.2 GHz NMR spectrometer was installed in the new research building of the Bavarian NMR Center.
In this context the symposium aims to discuss and highlight current research and future perspectives of solution and solid-state biomolecular NMR and the impact of ultra-high magnetic fields.
The program will start 8:30 with welcome addresses from TUM and Helmholtz Munich leadership.
There will be a full day of science with an informal get-together in the evening with food and drinks.
The list of speakers is given below.
The registration is now closed. The participants will be notified.
Lucia | Banci | CERM Florence, Italy |
Jochen | Balbach | Uni Halle, Germany |
Martin | Blackledge | IBS Grenoble, France |
Anja | Böckmann | U Lyon (MMSB CNRS) |
Dominik | Bucher | TUM, Garching, Germany |
Teresa | Carlomagno | U Birmingham, UK |
Manuel | Etzkorn | FZ J, Uni Düsseldorf, Germany |
Christian | Griesinger | MPI Göttingen, Germany |
Robert | Griffin | MIT Cambridge, USA |
Angela | Gronenborn | U Pittsburgh, USA |
Stephan | Grzesiek | Biozentrum Basel, Switzerland |
Hartmut | Oschkinat | FMP Berlin |
Roland | Riek | ETH Zürich |
Rina | Rosenzweig | Weizmann, Rehovot, Israel |
Harald | Schwalbe | U Frankfurt, Germany |
TUM Institute for Advanced Study, Lecture Hall, Ground Floor, [directions]
Program (PDF)