EMBO Practical Course: Structure, dynamics and function of biomacromolecules by NMRBayerisches NMR-Zentrum (BNMRZ), Department Chemie, TU München July 31 - August 7, 2015 |
Information for participants: program schedule, scripts & handouts (password required!) The intention of the course is to provide practical training in important aspects of using solution state NMR spectroscopy for studying the structure, dynamics and function of biomolecular macromolecules. The emphasis will be on setting up experiments on the spectrometer (optimizing parameters, pulse programs), on processing and analyzing the NMR data and on structure calculations in a hands-on fashion. Topics covered include: triple resonance pulse seuqences, RDCs, NMR relaxation measurements and data analysis, PREs, structure calculation and validation. The course is aimed at PhD students and postdocs who have some working knowledge of NMR theory, i.e. product operator formalism, and who understand the basic principles of NMR pulse sequences. Possible candidates should have the level of knowledge of students that have participated in a past "Advanced NMR" EMBO lecture course on NMR theory organized by Boelens, Oschkinat and Griesinger. Location Bayerisches NMR-Zentrum (BNMRZ), Department Chemie, TU München Date July 31 - August 7, 2015 Hotel All participants and instructors will be staying in the Hotel König Ludwig II in Garching. Registration Registration (link) is closed, accepted participants have been notified. There will be a registration fee of 280 EUR for accepted participants, which covers lodging, food, workshop dinner and excursion. Accepted participants will be informed by the end of May. A limited number of travel grants is available for eligible participants. More information about EMBO Travel Grants' and eligibility is available here: http://www.embo.org/funding-awards/travel-grants. OrganizersStephan Grzesiek (Biozentrum Basel) Speakers & InstructorsSam Asami, Martin Blackledge, Sonja Dames, Frank Delaglio, Isabella Felli, Gerd Gemmecker, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Christian Griesinger, Stephan Grzesiek, Peter Guentert, Judith Habazettl, Henry Jonker, Sina Kazemi, Tobias Madl, Therese Malliavin, Helen Mott, Daniel Nietlispach, Michael Nilges, Katja Petzold, Bernd Reif, Roland Riek, Riddhiman Sarkar, Michael Sattler, Bernd Simon, Nico Tjandra, Geerten Vuister, Lisa Warner Contact & inquiries:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Michael Sattler) |
(poster available on request) |
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