Previous Conferences and Workshops



  • G-NMR Workshop
    "Non-Uniform Sampling in NMR"
    Wed 31.05. - Thu 01.06.2017, BNMRZ, Garching  (more information)
  • 1st Helmholtz Training Course on Integrative Structural Biology
    Nov 7-11, 2016, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig
    Further details and registration (until Friday 23 September 2016!)
  • Hans-Fischer Symposium, Zu Ehren von Horst Kessler [Programm]
    Mon, Nov 2, 2015 12:00-19:00
    BNMRZ/Department Chemie, TUM Garching,  Hans-Fischer Hörsaal
  • EBSA Solid-State NMR Schools
    Training school on solid-state NMR - methods and theory Nov 17-20, 2014 Helmholtz Zentrum München
  • CCPN tutorial and practical training course
    Dr. Simon P Skinner, Dept. of Biochemistry, U Leicester, UK; 
    31.03.-01.04.2014, Dept. Chemie,TUM Garching

  • G-NMR: Treffen der Arbeitsgruppen NMR (Lösung) und NMR (Festkörper) zum Thema "Pulsprogramme"
    Mittwoch 15.01.2014 , Dekanats-Besprechungszimmer CH 26505;
    Dept. Chemie/TU München, 85748 Garching, Lichtenbergstr. 4
  • Murnau Conference 2010 on Structural Biology of the Modern RNA World
    Murnau, Oct 13-16, 2010
  • EMBO Practical Course: Structure, dynamics and function of biomacromolecules by solution NMR
    BNMRZ, Garching Jul 27 - Aug 3, 2009
  • NMR-Life Conference: Advances in NMR of protein and nucleic acid molecular recognition
    Murnau Oct 16-18, 2008
  • EMBO World Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR
    Beijing, China, Sep 8-15, 2008
  • NMR-Life Workshop: Protein expression and isotope labeling for structural biology BNMRZ July 24-25, 2008
  • Minisymposium Chemical Biology Helmholtz Zentrum München, July 16, 2008
  • NMR-Life Symposium "Future Perspectives of Biomolecular NMR" Garching Jan 16, 2008
  • NMR-Life Workshop "Advanced Experiments in Biomolecular NMR" Garching Dec 13, 2007
  • EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR Basel Jul 6-13, 2007
  • EMBO Workshop: Viral RNA: Structure, Function and Targeting Mar 5-7, 2007, EMBL Heidelberg
  • Workshop: Protein expression, RNA transcription and isotope labeling for NMR Sep 13-16, 2006, EMBL Heidelberg
  • Murnau conference on STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY OF MOLECULAR RECOGNITION Sep 15-17, 2005, Murnau, Germany
  • EMBO Conference on Structures in Biology Nov 10-13, 2004 at the EMBL
  • Conference on lipid binding domains and signalling May 2004 at the EMBL
  • EMBO/ILL Workshop "Deuterium Labeling for NMR and Neutron Diffraction" Grenoble, Jan, 2003