Lectures and Seminars
TRR267 & BNMRZ Seminar
Stase Bielskute
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)
Barcelona, Spain
Fri, Oct 18, 2024, 11:00
BNMRZ Seminar Room, TUM, Garching
Selective Targeting of an Intrinsically Disordered Domain by a Drug-Like Small Molecule
BNMRZ Seminar
Nils Lakomek
Universität Düsseldorf
Wed, Nov 6, 2024, 13:30
BNMRZ Seminar Room, TUM, Garching
Investigating structural dynamics and binding interactions of intrinsically disordered proteins by NMR spectroscopy: New insights into the pre-fusion state of SNARE proteins
Malcolm Levitt
University of Southampton, UK
Tue, Nov 19, 2024, 17 c.t.
Room CH 26411 TUM, Garching
title t.b.a
MTTC & BNMRZ Seminar
Matthias Buck
Case Western Reserve University Medical School
Cleveland, Ohio, USAn
Tue, Dec 17, 2024, 13:30
BNMRZ Seminar Room, TUM, Garching
Eph receptor and Ras GTPase proteins in and around the membrane: Adventures in solution NMR, Molecular Dynamics Simulations and with Alphafold
Conferences and Workshops
ENC - ISMAR Joint Conference 2025
April 6 - 10, 2025
Asilomar, Pacific Groove, USA